Epithelantha micromersis -
Name: Growth:
Origin: Flower: |
Hikuli, Mulato, Button Cactus A small, globular, button type cactus with small white spines. Grows to 6 cm diameter, with low tubercles arranged in many spirals and crowned with radial spines. Native to the Southwest U.S.A.. Has small whitish or pink flowers and clavate fruit |
Sacred to the Tarahumare and Huichols of Mexico as one of the false Peyotes. Believed to make the eyes so large that one can see sorcerers and to drive evil people insane. It is believed to prolong life and give speed and protection to runners.. Native to rocky hills and ridges, limestone or igneous soils. There are only two known species of Epithelantha.
Needs a 20% lime mix for soil.
Reported to contain unspecified alkaloids and terpenes.